The SOLA/The Sphinx Organization Internship Program is seeking collaborations with students of music-related fields as music performance, music theory, composition, music education, musicology and ethnomusicology that are interested in working with leader organizations that promote diversity in the Western art music world. More specifically, students will work on research aiming to add content to the databases that feed the Sphinx Catalogs of Works for violin, viola, cello, piano trio and string quartet. Students will also work on the creation of educative content that helps promoting a diverse repertoire in social media and educative presentations including short video/audio materials, video interviews, lectures and lecture recitals.
The SOLA/Sphinx Organization Internship Program has the generous support of the Sphinx Organization and Lawrence University. Those institutions grant prestigious platforms that give relevance to SOLA’s work. While the SOLA/Sphinx Organization Internship Program provides the resources to make the interns’ work highly visible, it doesn’t provide stipends or any other kind of funds for individual interns. Our team can provide documents to support applications for external funds for those students that are interested in paid internships.
Internships may be part of an educational program.
Undergraduate and graduate students majoring in music performance, music theory, composition, music education, musicology and ethnomusicology.
Our interns develop a through understanding of mechanisms for the active promotion of diversity in the Western art music world. Through their personal contributions to the SOLA/Sphinx initiatives, students will gain awareness of the need and value of diversity and representation in Western art music; become familiar with the work of organizations that are devoted to the promotion of diversity in Western art music; be aware of the multiple facets of the promotion of a diverse repertoire in the Western art music world; and get experience in actively researching, promoting and performing a diverse body of repertoire.
Has a through understanding of mechanisms for the active promotion of diversity in the Western art music world.
Is aware of the value of diversity and representation in the Western art music repertoire.
Is familiar with the work of organizations that are devoted to the promotion of a diverse repertoire in the Western art music world.
Is familiar with the multiple facets of the promotion of a diverse repertoire in the Western art music world.
Has experience in actively researching, promoting and performing a diverse body of repertoire.
Develops knowledge about composers and works that are outside of the canonic repertoire.
Learns to appreciate the artistic value of a work of music beyond its current or past level of exposure.
Takes contact with a broad array of resources to research the existing corpus of Western art music written by Latin American composers.
Has knowledge about the missions and work of the Sphinx Organization and the Strings of Latin America Organization.
Has a thorough knowledge of the Sphinx/SOLA catalogs.
Has a strong connexion with a specific facet of SOLA.
Has a personal connexion with a specific composer and/or work(s) from Latin America through instrumental and contextual study, as well as performance.
Has the capacity of speaking about the work of SOLA/Sphinx and their own contribution to that work.
Duration: 10 weeks
Orientation Day:
Description of the program and its functioning; technical and conceptual aspects of the progran
Action fields of the initiative:
SOLA develops its activities around the topics listed below. The work of interns is defined through an examination of the intersection of their individual areas of interest and SOLA’s needs.
Cello: constant updating
Viola: typing information on an excel sheet
Piano Trios: researching for the creation of the catalog.
String Quartets: research to feed the Cuarteto Latinoamericano database
Identify and connect with libraries that would be interested in including our resources to their databases.
Biographic pages:
Create the bio pages that match the most catalogues, with the Cuarteto Latinoamericano’s list as a prime priority.
Educational videos:
Identify both widely known and lesser-known, relevant Latin American composers and/or instrumentalists that have the potential to provide exposure to SOLA’s initiatives to create longer videos (one a month)
Identify underrepresented Latin American composers with interesting recorded works to create sound portraits.
Identify high-quality video recordings of outstanding performances of Latin American repertoire contained on the catalogues to share in social media.
Identify potential works/composers for SOLA editions.
Public Relationships:
Social Media:
Identify relevant content that can be highlighted in social media.
Produce personal profiles through one-week long social media take overs to show the work that each intern is doing during the internship, underlining the impact that their work is having on the promotion of Latin American music and its creators.
Identify publishing houses for potential collaborations.
Submit articles about the works being published.
Design a strategy to advertise the collaboration with the Reverón Piano Trio.
Design a strategy to advertise the collaboration with the Cuarteto Latinoamericano.
Design a strategy to advertise the collaboration with Jesus Alfonso.
Institutional background work:
Research about the different possibilities for the establishment of a legal foundation for our initiatives.
Dr. Natali Herrera-Pacheco: Coordinator of the Lawrence University/Sphinx Organization Interns and Outreach
Dr. Horacio Contreras: Advisor/Lawrence University Conservatory
Internet access
A space to work
Primary sources might be needed
Access to a library
Access to Interlibrary Loan preferred